DO YOU KNOW #RelationshipsMatters #ItTakesTwo #BeTheChange Tips 32: Level Up Your Relational Skills- Show Up. Shut Up. Buck Up. 


So often we get lost in the grit of day-to-day relationships. And living in the world today of instant gratification, a society of fast-paced consumerism have “tuned” us to want more for less with a quick fix. Not to mention this world of the new generation where the ability to persevere through adversity is a rare character trait- we can call quits anytime whenever we are stressed or unhappy, as it is MUCH (emphasis added) easier to give up than to endure; we choose to opt for short term gain rather than long term happiness. Sadly, our “my happiness first” mentality and attitude has caused us to be even more self-centred and myopic.

Are you at the crossroad of a difficult situation, tempted to quit: (a) because you have reached a plateau; (b) reeling from a loss; (c) unmoored by a relationship that has ended and feeling purposeless now that the nest is empty……

Whatever the situation you are in, in any relationships, you will find these tips that are practical all the time:

  1. SHOW UP

All it may take is just your presence- always be ready and available.

Talk the talk, and walk the walk

  1. SHUT UP

The golden rule is silence. It is better to hold your tongue in. 

Do not be too quick to speak. Practise pause, pause, and pause… Do not insist to have the last say. A person with wisdom is prudent with their speech, it is wiser to simply zip up. 

  1. BUCK UP

You cannot expect to receive what you do not have or unwilling to give. It takes humility to acknowledge and admit that you have a part to play. 

Be humble to listen and learn where to buck up. 

It may deem like monumental task to put these tips into practise, however it is not a call to be perfect, which we will never be. Just remember- Consistency over perfection- The routineness of life may not be exciting, but we will not become all we were created to be without being our best when it is mundane. When we are doing the right thing with a good attitude month after month, committed to being faithful with the little things in average days, we can be trusted for bigger things and see exceptional days. 

#leveluprelationally #ShowUpShutUpBuckUp