Why. What.

Why I Got Started…..

I have been sharing my Quiet Time reflections with my cell mates and friends since 2002. 10 years later, I felt a nudge to start my own blog site, which I may as well (re)post them on online so that I can share with the world out there who may be seeking Hope, Light and answers to life questions.

Having been blessed by pastors, authors, writers and bloggers with their devotions, I would like to bless others in the same way with my humble pieces, although imperfect, it doesn’t matter how well I write, since the centrepiece of all my writings is God Himself.

My previous mentor cum cell leader had been encouraging me to start a publication, which I did enquire with publishers but they had advised me that unless I am well-known, otherwise I may have to bear a hefty publishing fee. (At that time, bloggers were not born yet.) Discouraged, I stopped pursuing this dream…

In the late 2013, I felt a “calling” to come forward to share my life lessons from my Great Teacher (Jesus Christ) through this blog site. Most of my writings were birthed from despairing moments. Although life has never been easy for me, I am thankful that God has been gracious and I have been blessed beyond what I can imagine or ever ask for.

The messages are not myself- It is all about Jesus. I am merely a humble vessel that God uses to share about His Love and Hope to give light to this dark broken world today- as many are seeking answers to the conundrums of life. The world will only get darker and messy… and many will be lost, crying out what is there to life. All the more, they need to hear the voice of God. They need to feel that God is real, and near. They need to know God personally in their own journey, in order to have real transformation. Only God can draw someone to Himself, transform a heart, and change a sinner (we all fall short of the Glory of God) into a saint.

Nothing happens by chance. For the fact that you get to read this, from a place far away, is already a divine appointment that God may have orchestrated.

I hope, my readers, be blessed, in some ways or another. God is always in the details, He has His Handprints over every fabric of our lives, but it is us who chose to close our eyes, ears or our heart.

So, let go and let God.

He is far better in managing our lives than we could our own.

Trust me.

I have had been there.

Life is so much better with Him than without Him.

And you wouldn’t want to go though pain needlessly, and endlessly.

That’s if you allow God to be God.

And the choice be yours.

What About Me?

There is a trinity of the letter “E”in my name, Edelyne:

1. Elohim is God from the beginning (first “E”) and the end (last “E”) of my life;

2. God is the Essence in all I do (the middle “E” as the center);

3. With the three “E”s, God made me Extraordinary!

I am simply, a Child of God, who is made with some talents for His Purposes and for His Highest Glory.

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