DO YOU KNOW #RelationshipsMatters #ItTakesTwo #BeTheChange Tips 29: Short-term pain for long-term pleasure

With Valentine’s Day round the corner, not many will feel love in the air… 

Every event has its place and purpose; 

Every friction has its palpable moments;

Every timing has its opportune break.

None of us is spared from weariness from challenges, wounds from battles, and worries that our world is spinning out of control? But we don’t need to become undone by tough times, we can become unleashed for the rough times- Be unbeatable, be indomitable, be indefatigable!

As a saying goes: “They (the seemingly unlovable people) are the grit out of which we are to fashion our pearl.” That is why endurance, patience and gentleness seem so unattainable and hard to put into practice. 

But let this be a reminder: We will make mistakes. We will blow up. We will mess up. We will hang up. We will fumble. We will stumble. We will hurt others. We get ugly, all the time. And checkmate – Every time we blame, we are just being lame. Guilty as charged? 

Rick Warren, the author of the Purpose Driven Life, shared that if we endure pain for the short term now, we will gain pleasure for a long term in the future. In other words, as opposed to, if we rather gain the pleasure now, we will have to pay with pain in the future.

No one can foretell the future, we can be too myopic to consider repercussions in time to come. Remember, life can only live once- think thrice, thrice, thrice (with deliberate emphasis here…), in making choices!

#shorttermpainforlongtermgain #dontgiveup  #getthroughthegrit

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